Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Trump University: You'll learn more watching paint peel

Donald Trump is opening a "university" to bestow his jewels of wisdom on unsuspecting people who may actually believe he is a good business man. This article at the Fool has the details.

I might be coming off as being anti-education. Nothing could be further from the truth. I contribute to this site so that I can learn more about economics, business, and finance. I hope that by reading the site and also contributing, others will learn the same. I believe that education about money is the first step to being released from poverty and is a beginning to building wealth and changing, not only your own life, but your family's wealth and position for generations to come.

It really is amazing that by understanding something as simple as saving and investing can enable a person to retire wealthy and pass that wealth on to anyone they want. Everybody is capable. All it takes is education and a will to apply that education to the real world.

Unfortunately though, the quality of your information may not always be the highest. Donald Trump, while being a charismatic entrepreneur and an arguably crafty marketer, is not a very successful business person. I think an alternative place to learn about business is to read books about successful business and successful people. I'm currently listening to a book on CD called "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. Mr. Collins and his research team looked at "Great" companies and tried to discover what made them stand out from their peers. This is a great book with some relevant insights into ways to distinguish your own business or business practices from "the crowd." I encourage you to look into it. And if you don't, find a good book to begin learning, or expand your knowledge of the financial and business world around you.


Anonymous said...

While I can understand how Donald Trump may rub people the wrong way and can definitely come off as pompous, I'm curious about why you don't think he is a good businessman. He has created enormous wealth for him, his family, his companies and his employees through shrewd negotiating, good marketing and financially sound decision-making. What makes him a bad businessman?

Unknown said...

I haven't read any of his books, but reading this article and looking at the links it contains calls his creds into question. Just look at his stock price: http://quotes.fool.com/custom/fool/html-chart.asp?osymb=&osymbols=djtcq&symbols=djtcq&currticker=DJTCQ&time=all&uf=0&compidx=aaaaa%7E0&ma=0&symb=djtcq&freq=1dy&lf=1&comp=&type=128&sid=14756

If you look at comprable casino stocks, you'll see an opposite trend:

I like watching The Apprentice, but you can't tell me that what those people do has anything to do with the real world? It's entertainment in my opinion.

And he's opening a University? C'mon. This "school" isn't accredited and it is inspired by an insipid business person. Why not a school created by Jack Welch or perhaps some of the lesser-known CEOs of succesful companies. Or why even create a school? You could probably learn most of what would be conveyed by reading a book or surfing the web. It just depends on how motivated you are, I guess.

I'm curious about Trump's background. Has he really created wealth? Maybe. We'll see. I will concede that he is a shrewd and fast-talking businessman, but you won't find me signing up for the show or his school.

Anonymous said...

I agree that "Trump University" is not a "real school". It's probably a glorified motivational seminar, not a nuts-and-bolts kind of thing. I liken it to Robert Kiyosaki's seminars et al: successful people preaching common sense. "Do what you love." "Never give up." "Always negotiate." "Blah Friggin Blah." Still, I'm sure it will be a success, and if Jack Welch wanted to open a "school" his would be a success, too.

I've read a couple of Trump's books, and he is a master at promoting himself and the things he believes in. He is a dreamer and visionary when it comes to real estate, which is evident as he talks about his New York properties in particular. I think he has created successful properties - but I admit his stock's chart is HIDEOUS. What's up with that?

And of course "The Apprentice" is entertainment - it's prime time television! It's a game show.

Unknown said...

I feel like Donald Trump right now in the Stock Market contest.

"Hi, my name is James Hemsley. I destroy wealth."