My parents have convinced me to remodel two of my bathrooms and they are willing to assist me with the manual labor when they visit for Christmas. This article points out that whenever you remodel a home, you should plan for the future, whenever that may be and the time you will sell your home (or just re-appraise it to remove the extra equity). The article offers many great suggestions on ways to improve your house, or if you are going to buy a house in the future, things to look for, that won't hurt you when you try and sell the house later.
Some of the great suggestions were to have a well-lit front area. Plant a lot of trees, which will save you money, too. Don't cover up your yard with a deck, but make sure you can see your yard with large windows. Use natural materials like stone when doing landscaping, instead of trendy material, which might not be appealing in the future.
Read the article and let me know what you think!
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