Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A Golden Perspective on the Current Devaluation of the Dollar

A host of dour economic news has caused the dollar to lose a significant portion of its value relative to other world currencies. An interested reader sent me and article he saw which tries to explain the reason why the US dollar is important for world trade and that relationship to the former gold standard which was ended in 1971 by Richard Nixon.

It is an interesting excerpt and I encourage you to read it in order to gain a certain historical perspective on current events.

The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: 1944's Bretton Woods Agreement had the original intention of smoothing out economic conflict after World War II. Howver, the actual outcome - replacing of the gold standard with the dollar standard - ended up causing far more problems throughout the years, as today's falling dollar will show. Addison Wiggin explores...

by Addison Wiggin

The year was 1944. For the first time in modern history, an international agreement was reached to govern monetary policy among nations. It was, significantly, a chance to create a stabilizing international currency and ensure monetary stability once and for all. In total, 730 delegates from 44 nations met for three weeks in July that year at a hotel resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

It was a significant opportunity. But it fell short of what could have been achieved. It was a turning point in monetary history, however.

The result of this international meeting, the Bretton Woods Agreement, had the original purpose of rebuilding after World War II through a series of currency stabilization programs and infrastructure loans to war-ravaged nations. By 1946, the system was in full operation through the newly established International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, the World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

What makes the Bretton Woods accords so interesting to us today is the fact that the whole plan for international monetary policy was based on nations agreeing to adhere to a global gold standard. Each country signing the agreement promised to maintain its currency at values within a narrow margin to the value of gold. The IMF was established to facilitate payment imbalances on a temporary basis.

This system worked for 25 years. But it was flawed in its underlying assumptions. By pegging international currency to gold at $35 an ounce, it failed to take into effect the change in gold's actual value since 1934, when the $35 level had been set. The dollar had lost substantial purchasing power during and after World War II, and as European economies built back up, the ever-growing drain on U.S. gold reserves doomed the Bretton Woods Agreement as a permanent, working system.

This problem was described by a former senior vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:

"From the very beginning, gold was the vulnerable point of the Bretton Woods system. Yet the open-ended gold commitment assumed by the United States government under the Bretton Woods legislation is readily understandable in view of the extraordinary circumstances of the time. At the end of the war, our gold stock amounted to $20 billion, roughly 60 percent of the total of official gold reserves. As late as 1957, United States gold reserves exceeded by a ratio of three to one the total dollar reserves of all the foreign central banks. The dollar bestrode the exchange markets like a colossus."

In 1971, experiencing accelerating depletion of its gold reserves, the United States removed its currency from the gold standard, and Bretton Woods was no longer workable.

In some respects, the ideas behind Bretton Woods were much like an economic United Nations. The combination of the worldwide depression of the 1930s and the Second World War were key in leading so many nations to an economic summit of such magnitude. The opinion of the day was that trade barriers and high costs had caused the worldwide depression, at least in part. Also, during that time it was common practice to use currency devaluation as a means for affecting neighboring countries' imports and reducing payment deficits. Unfortunately, the practice led to
chronic deflation, unemployment, and a reduction in international trade. The lessons learned in the 1930s (but subsequently forgotten by many nations) included a realization that the use of currency as a tactical economic tool invariably causes more problems than it solves.

The situation was summed up well by Cordell Hull, U.S. secretary of state from 1933 through 1944, who wrote:

"Unhampered trade dovetailed with peace; high tariffs, trade barriers, and unfair economic competition, with war... If we could get a freer flow of trade ... so that one country would not be deadly jealous of another and the living standards of all countries might rise, thereby eliminating the economic dissatisfaction that breeds war, we might have a reasonable chance of lasting peace."

Hull's suggestion that war often has an economic root is reasonable given the position of both Germany and Japan in the 1930s. The trade embargo imposed by the United States against Japan, specifically intended to curtail Japanese expansion, may have been a leading cause for Japan's militaristic stance.

Another observer agreed, saying that poor economic relations among nations "inevitably result in economic warfare that will be but a prelude and instigator of military warfare on an even vaster scale."

Bretton Woods had the original intention of smoothing out economic conflict, in recognition of the problems that economic disparity causes. The nations at the meeting knew that these economic problems were at least partly to blame for the war itself, and that economic reform would help to prevent future wars. At that time, the United States was without any doubt the most powerful nation in the world, both militarily and economically. Because the fighting did not take place on U.S. soil, the country built up its industrial might during the war, selling weapons to its allies while
developing its own economic strength. Manufacturing by 1945 was twice the annual rate of 1935-1939.

Due to its economic dominance, the United States held the leadership role at Bretton Woods. It is also important to note that the United States owned 80 percent of the world's gold reserves at the time. So the United States had every motive to agree to the use of the gold standard to organize world currencies and to create and encourage free trade. The gold standard evolved over a period of hundreds of years, planned by a central bank, government, or committee of business leaders.

Throughout most of the nineteenth century, the gold standard dominated currency exchange. Gold created a fixed exchange rate between nations. Money supply was limited to gold reserves, so nations lacking gold were required to borrow money to finance their production and investment.

When the gold standard was in force, it was true that the net sum of trade surplus and deficit came out to zero overall, because accounts were eventually settled in gold - and credit was limited as well. In comparison, in today's fiat money system, it is not gold but credit that determines how much money a country can spend. So instead of economic might being dictated by gold reserves, it is dictated by a country's borrowing power. The trade deficit and the trade surplus are only "in balance" in theory, because the disparity between the two sides is funded with debt.

The pegged rates - the value of currency to the value of gold - maintained sensible economic policy based on a nation's productivity and gold reserves. Following Bretton Woods, the pegged rate was formalized by agreement among the leading economic powers of the world.

The concept was a good one. However, in practice the international currency naturally became the U.S. dollar and other nations pegged their currencies to the dollar rather than to the value of gold. The actual outcome of Bretton Woods was to replace the gold standard with the dollar standard. Once the United States linked the dollar to gold at a value of $35 per ounce, the whole system fell into place, at least for a while. Since the dollar was convertible to gold and other nations pegged their
currencies to the dollar, it created a pseudo-gold standard.

The British economist John Maynard Keynes represented Great Britain at Bretton Woods. Keynes preferred establishing a system that would have encouraged economic growth rather than a gold-pegged system. He favored creation of an international central bank and possibly even a world currency. He proposed that the goal of the conference was "to find a common measure, a common standard, a common rule acceptable to each and not irksome to any."

Keynes' ideas were not accepted. The United States, in its leading economic position, preferred the plan offered by its representative, Harry Dexter White. The U.S. position was intended to create and maintain price stability rather than outright economic growth. As a consequence, Third World progress would be achieved through lending and infrastructure investment through the IMF, which was charged with managing trade deficits to avoid currency devaluation.

In joining the IMF, each country was assigned a trade quota to fund the international effort, budgeted originally at $8.8 billion. Disparity among countries was to be managed through a series of borrowings. A country could borrow from the IMF, which would be acting in fact like a central bank.

The Bretton Woods agreement did not include any provisions for creation of reserves. The presumption was that gold production would be sufficient to continue funding growth and that any short term problems could be resolved through the borrowing regimens.

Anticipating a high volume of demand for such lending in reconstruction efforts after World War II, the Bretton Woods attendees formed the IBRD, providing an additional $10 billion to be paid by member nations. As well-intended an idea as it was, the agreements and institutions that grew from Bretton Woods were not adequate for the economic problems of postwar Europe. The United States was experiencing huge trade surplus years while carrying European war debt. U.S. reserves were huge and growing each year.

By 1947, it became clear that the IMF and IBRD were not going to fix the problems of European postwar economic woes. To help address the issue, the United States set up a system to help finance recovery among European countries. The European Recovery Program (better known as the Marshall Plan) was organized to give grants to countries to rebuild. The problems of European nations, according to Secretary of State George Marshall, "are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial help or face economic, social, and political deterioration of
a very grave character."

Between 1948 and 1954, the United States gave 16 Western European nations $17 billion in grants. Believing that former enemies Japan and Germany would provide markets for future U.S. exports, policies were enacted to encourage economic growth. During this period, the Cold War became increasingly worse as the arms race continued. The USSR had signed the Bretton Woods agreement, but it refused to join or participate in the IMF.

Thus, the proposed economic reforms turned into part of the struggle between capitalism and Communism on the world stage.

It became increasingly difficult to maintain the peg of the U.S. dollar to $35-per-ounce gold. An open market in gold continued in London, and crises affected the going value of gold. The conflict between the fixed price of gold between central banks at $35 per ounce and open market value depended on the moment. During the Cuban missile crisis, for example, the open market value of gold was $40 per ounce. The mood among U.S. leaders began moving away from belief in the gold standard.

President Lyndon B. Johnson argued in 1967 that:

"The world supply of gold is insufficient to make the present system workable - particularly as the use of the dollar as a reserve currency is essential to create the required international liquidity to sustain world trade and growth."

By 1968, Johnson had enacted a series of measures designed to curtail the outflow of U.S. gold. Even so, on March 17, 1968, a run on gold closed the London Gold Pool permanently. By this time, it had become clear that maintaining the gold standard under the Bretton Woods configuration was no longer practical. Either the monetary system had to change or the gold standard itself would need to be revised.

During this period, the IMF set up Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) for use as trade between countries. The intention was to create a type of paper gold system, while taking pressure off the United States to continue serving as central banker to the world. However, this did not solve the problem; the depletion of U.S. gold reserves continued until 1971. By that time, the U.S. dollar was overvalued in relation to gold reserves. The United States held only 22 percent gold coverage of foreign reserves by that year. SDRs acted as a basket of key national currencies to facilitate the inevitable trade imbalances.

However, Bretton Woods lacked any effective mechanism for checking reserve growth. Only gold and the U.S. asset were considered seriously as reserves, but gold production was lagging. Accordingly, dollar reserves had to expand to make up the difference in lagging gold availability, causing a growing U.S. current account deficit. The solution, it was hoped, would be the SDR.

While these instruments continue to exist, this long-term effectiveness can only be the subject of speculation. Today SDRs make up about 1 percent of IMF members' nongold reserves, and when in 1971 the United States went off the gold standard, Bretton Woods ceased to function as an effective centralized monetary body. In theory, SDRs - used today on a very limited scale of transactions between the IMF and its members - could function as the beginnings of an international currency. But given the widespread use of the U.S. dollar as the peg for so many currencies worldwide, it is unlikely that such a shift to a new direction will occur before circumstances make it the only choice.

The Bretton Woods system collapsed, partially due to economic expansion in excess of the gold standard's funding abilities on the part of the United States and other member nations. However, the problems of currency systems not pegged to gold lead to economic problems far worse.

Addison Wiggin
The Daily Reckoning

Editor's Note: Addison Wiggin is the editorial director and publisher of The Daily Reckoning. Mr. Wiggin is also the author, with Bill Bonner, of the international bestseller Financial Reckoning Day and the upcoming thriller Empire of Debt. Mr. Wiggin is frequent guest on national radio and television programs.

The above essay was taken from Mr. Wiggin's newly-released book, The Demise of the Dollar...and Why It's Great for Your Investments. To order your copy, please see here:

The Most Important $11 You Will Ever Spend...

I can't speak to whether it will be the best $11 dollars you will ever spend, but it might be worth looking into, if these types of historical economic issues have interest for you.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More Keeping Up with the Joneses

This is a great opinion article written about a recent book that has come out called, "Green with Envy: Why Keeping Up with the Joneses is Keeping Us in Debt". The book examines many different Americans across different walks of life and discovers how they spend money and what motivates them. It appears that for the most part, envy is the culprit. I'm going to have to see if they have this book at the library.

Remodelling to Sell Your Home (Anytime)

My parents have convinced me to remodel two of my bathrooms and they are willing to assist me with the manual labor when they visit for Christmas. This article points out that whenever you remodel a home, you should plan for the future, whenever that may be and the time you will sell your home (or just re-appraise it to remove the extra equity). The article offers many great suggestions on ways to improve your house, or if you are going to buy a house in the future, things to look for, that won't hurt you when you try and sell the house later.

Some of the great suggestions were to have a well-lit front area. Plant a lot of trees, which will save you money, too. Don't cover up your yard with a deck, but make sure you can see your yard with large windows. Use natural materials like stone when doing landscaping, instead of trendy material, which might not be appealing in the future.

Read the article and let me know what you think!

Top 25 Suburbs According To Businessweek

Businessweek has an article rating 25 suburbs as being affordable, safe, have great education and are within easy driving distance of the perks a major metropolitan area can offer. If you are thinking of moving or are currently looking for a job, consider these sites illustrated by a great slide show!

I should probably mention, of course, that Iowa City and Coralville made the list!

Holiday Shopping Tips

Doing Christmas shopping can be stressful and expensive. Compound these with overspending and Christmas often loses some of its traditional cheer. An article at has 10 tips to try and keep spending under control and yet still have a traditional Christmas filled with pleasant memories rather than two aspirin or two Tums.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Prepare for the Winter with an Energy Audit

This is a great article at that goes into some detail on ways to make your home energy efficient and enable you spend less on heating. I think I need to take them up on the idea of the heating blanket for the water heater. I have already used plastic weather sealing for my windows, which makes the house feel warmer already.

If you live in an area where it gets cold in the winter, check out the article to save a few bucks!

New Cashtalk Forum

Cashtalk is launching a discussion forum today. It can be found at the top of the "Links" section. It can be used to start conversations with other users and will be a useful way of searching for topics that are relevant to money, finance, and business. If you would like to post in the forums, the password is "Cashtalk."

Response to "Young People and Debt"; Some Ideas

Hi Kevin,

It's good to hear from you! I'm glad you are taking this seriously and appreciate your interest in debt. From the article you found, you can see that millions of people in the U.S. are in debt.

But let me say this and get it out of the way: all debt is not bad. There. It's out there. It would be hard for most people to buy a house without the use of debt and it is hard for some to attend college without taking student loans. However, the bad debt is that which does not help you earn income or provide shelter over your head, i.e credit cards or other types of soft loans.

When you take out a loan for a house, one of the benefits (besides having a place to live) is that the government helps you by giving you a tax deduction for the interest. This can be beneficial and if you look at specific numbers for yourself, you might find that you actually come out ahead.
Going to college is important, because the average income of a college graduate over a high school graduate is significantly higher. Try $1,100 a week compared to $620 a week; almost double! Going into some debt to obtain this higher degree and thus higher future earnings makes sense.

Credit cards, cars, and other "toys" that people don't really need are where most of the problems lie. The thing that helped me the most was creating a monthly budget. Literally sit down at the beginning of the month and estimate how much each of the categories like food, utilities, rent/mortgage, clothing, gas, etc. will cost you. Use your past experience to guide you. Then create "soft" categories like gift money, entertainment, "having fun", etc. These are the categories that can be pared back if money is tight. Finally, figure out how much you have left over and either invest the difference at a reasonable interest rate or pay off high interest debt.

I used to only use debit cards, because I didn't want the temptation of credit to lure me into using it. Every day I would get offers with "0% interest for 12 months!" and so on. It is easy with these cards to buy things you don't really need. Only the discipline of a monthly budget helped reign in my spending. After about a year, I started using credit cards again, within the constraints of a budget. I made this change because with a lot of credit cards, you can get points that apply to bonuses. Mine in particular is points toward gift cards. Anyway, because I have a budget, I only spend within it and pay off the card at the end of every month.

I can't begin to describe how much freedom this gives you. Most people in my family laugh at my wife and I, because they think we are so restricted, but knowing where every dollar is going before the month even begins is quite liberating and helps you gain a better understanding on ways you can cut corners and save more.

But something tells me you already know most of this, Kevin. You want to take the next step and tell others in an organized fashion and in a way that really helps them make a change in their lives.

Searching the internet for the words "Debt management," "Financial Planning Organizations," "Finance Clubs," etc. does not yield much relevant to your question. It seems to me that there are probably two options at this point. The first, is that you create your own organization with the goals to manage money wisely. You become accountable to each other and read articles on ways to save money and pay off debt. I would be more than willing to lend you a hand by doing research or forwarding articles to you. If you wanted, you would also be welcome to use Ca$htalk, which would also help others who aren't geographically near Calvin College.

The second option stems from the first and specifically relates to the question, "Why do you want to get out of debt?"

People will have different answers to the question. Some don't want the monthly payments, others will want to start investing, others want to buy that boat they've had their eye on and will begin to save for it. Your personal answer to that question will create a goal for yourself. For me, it might be to be able to invest more. So, in order to learn more about that goal and get closer to achieving it, I would look for a club at Calvin where investment is the goal. Bringing up topics like, "How do I invest when I'm xx amount in debt?" would be a good start.

Of course, investment isn't everyone's goal and while Calvin does have an investment club, I'm not sure they have a boating club, especially one that focuses on getting the boat, rather than becoming a better boater. In this case, creating your own club is probably the better option. Please let me know if that is the direction you are heading and I will support you wholeheartedly.

In a way, Ca$htalk was created with the goal of learning more about money and business in order to not fall into traps such as high consumer debt. Posting questions here and even articles that you find interesting that relate specifically to financial management are another way to stay accountable, help others do the same and learn more about the complex world of finance, personal money management, and economics. I try my best to scour the internet and read books on the topics and present those for your information here. I'd also like to try and recruit more experts who have far more experience and knowledge than me to post articles on their own specialties. If you know of anyone who might be interested, let me know and I'll drop them a line.

I hope this long answer helps and thank you again for reading.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Young people and debt

I read this interesting article in USA Today about Twenty and Thirty somethings and how they are becoming more and more burdened with debt. I wonder if there is some type of program or club that I could start on Calvin's campus to promote awareness about falling into debt. Suggestions?