Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Calpine, take me away...

If anyone's been following the Investopedia game the last couple of weeks, you'll see that I bought and held shares of Calpine (CPN). To be honest, I didn't even know what they did when I bought the stock - it was purely a speculative play based on a news report on CNBC. The perfect example of an amateur-hour strategy everyone always advises against.

But I got a little bit lucky, and CPN's gains pretty much drove my portfolio higher all by themselves. Even after an initial bump last week, they shot up another 10% this Tuesday. I couldn't believe it. I've been busy and haven't had time to check into why they moved again, but today I found this article on that explains everything very well.

It's a fairly short article, and an excellent example of some of the criteria analysts use to value a company.

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