Tuesday, September 11, 2007

10 Most-Demanded Jobs

I saw this article on MSN about the 10 most demanded careers in the U.S. Why are these careers in such high demand? Mostly because they exist in industries that are being phased-out or they require high qualifications. Of course, because we live in a free-market system, incentives are being offered in some companies in order to attract employees. This cause and effect relationship shouldn't be a surprise and I would expect incentives to increase in any job, as long as it remains unfilled and necessary to a company's success.

Some examples of in-demand jobs are:
Sales Representatives
Management Executives
Construction Workers
Machine Operators

The article does a good job of giving you an idea of what qualifications you would need to succeed in a position as well as average starting salary for the position. So, if you are looking for a career change or just looking for job in general, check out the article!

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